The driving muse behind my work is a struggle to find a place in the world.

With earlier pieces, I created my own lore and myth with surreal and psychedelic imagery to explore and express the events of my life. Topics ranging from past lovers to healing my inner child and reckoning with substance abuse thematically dominate these pieces.

After taking a creative hiatus to live nomadically across the United States, my work has begun to explore the connections between nature and humanity, both personally and at a global scale. Not only how I can personally find my place in the circle of life, but how can the human race find theirs and face impending doom. Finding strength in femininity, the dichotomy of nature and discovering comfort in insignificance are my current thematic focuses.

Acrylic paint, alcoholic markers, colored pencil, pencil, cross stitch, and ink are my main methods; howeve,r I dabble in linocut printmaking, gauche and watercolor.

Outside of creating, I enjoy hiking, training jiu -jitsu, and volunteering withe Beagle Freedom Project.


Born in 1993 in Pennsylvania, USA.

Resides and works in Southern California, USA.

B.S. in Mining Engineering from Missouri University of Science & Technology, 2015

2019 - Backyard BBQ, Labwerkz Print Shop, Long Beach, CA USA